Feats of Strength: New Mortal Kombat X Mobile Update

Feats of strength mortal combat x mobile

Feats of Strength is a new feature with which everyone can present their personality to everyone in the Mortal Kombat mobile universe.

To participate in Feats of Strength, the first thing you need to do is get a gold or diamond card. From the time you have these, you are already in the game. To get each FEAT, you just need to perform specific tasks. In the new update there are hundreds of feats that can be opened for each character. There will also be their specific skins.

To all this, you can also unlock special victory poses for each character. The coolest thing, according to the developers, is that you can show your personality.

With all this diversity, you will be able to show everyone online not only that you are the best, but also who you are.

Another thing designers wanted to do was to fully (as much as possible) take advantage of the rich history of the Mortal Kombat universe. You will see many references to classic MK games also in winning poses.

In the future, all new characters will have feats of strength, starting with the super-serious, ending with very funny, maybe even friendly ones.

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